Saturday, May 3, 2014

Spiderman model 2

This is the second spiderman pose I chose to model. I chose this pose was not because it looks cool, I feel that this is a very challenging pose to model but I really want to give it a try. I won't know whether I am capable of modeling this unless I give it a shot so I did.
Unpolished version

Back View

Front View

Final polished version

This is the final outcome of the pose I modeled and I am proud of my effort as I really struggled to model it as there were many details I needed to pay attention and them sharpened out to make it look exactly like the reference picture.


By looking at the polished version and comparing it to the final polished version, there are many outstanding details that differentiate them which shows how much effort I put in to adjust and make the aesthetics of the model as good as I could. 

Now to explain each and every details that make this pose stand out. First is the chest portion of spiderman, at first glance you can tell I made the spiderman's chest up and out which resembles the reference picture. Secondly, if you enlarge and zoom into the picture you will be able to see the fingers of spiderman have been model in a way to give it as much detail as possible to make it look realistic. The space between fingers and how bent the joints of each of finger was given consideration when polishing the model. Lastly is the the hip of spiderman, from the front view you will notice that the spread of the thigh of the legs looks really close to the reference picture.

Before I end this reflection, I want to say that I did not model the head as well as I wanted. It was challenging to make the head tilt downwards. That is the only shortcoming of this model I did, I will polish my skills and show you in the next model which is coming up. 

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